e-Shop for brand internationalization (brand "Snale")

A big publisher wish to open a new segment for children literature. He needs to focus on younger audience from 0 to 12 years, as it was a matter of future. That`s why the core marketing tools became didgital channel and eShow as a heart of it.
First of all markering research was made for the audience (about 1500 parents were asked about their children preferences in entertainment). The bigest part of children laise time was dedicated to gaming, but not reading. Still, parents wish to facilitate their children skills and knowledge via motivating children to read. One of offline activity became offline coffee meetings between parents with their children in the same location (city and part of the city). It helps to "move the ice" and spread the news regading eShop of the client.
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Розничная торговля, Развлечения