Gamified education platform MUMIDIS with 3D

disinformation platform 3d game for medicine area
Gamified education for children regarding harmfulness of propaganda and disinformation. In format of 3D quest game with educational materials to find, answer tests online, games "True or False". Motivation: gather points and exchange in eComm shop.
We made all branding strategy, tactics and development of complicated 3D world animation and movement within the game, analytics of user actions in game and actions.
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Peculiarity: Provide experience to disabled people as well. As experience is delivered via audial channel (sonic art), a realistic visual (3D city) and kinesthetics (behavioural patterns during interaction in browser).

The user is invited to play the 3D game, explore the 3d world and listen to the music adapted to his/her emotional state. Samuel created specific sound tracks for each category and for each type of emotion. You can be inspired from his relevant ambient, that drags you into our world here:

Sound was created by our creative partner - music producer @Samuel Van Ransbeeck (Belgium). 

Along such a gamified journey users learn with much higher lever (we expect at 30% higher). The user can walk as external locations (building outside), as internal (enter inside the building, where examples with articles of disinformation will wait for him/her).

We cover several topics of propaganda (like war and politics, sports, science, medicine, ESG, celebrities, business & startups and diversity). Each of these topics is represented by a building in the MUMIDIS 3d game world. As we have 8 buildings and created 24 unique soundtracks + 1 extra for the overview screen. One of category of Disinformation is “Business and Startups”:
Diversity location for create brain flexiablity for young minds. Thus, such a detailed overview from different areas of human social life provides us the possibility to knock on a much bigger audience. Examples with dis- and misinformation working much better, than any text explanation. That's how the human brain works - getting experience from vivid examples than stimulate association creation and new behavior formation.
External locations of ESG category. in order to get acquinted younger with ecological, social and governance disinformational gaps in society. Game propose to solve them.